Thursday, January 11, 2024

India # 4 

Mumbai has plenty of small shops along most streets. Most locals wear sandals; some simply go barefoot

"Spitting" is relatively common. 

Most public restroom stalls require people to squat and to bring toilet paper. Planning ahead is important!

Outdoor laundry in center of city

Individuals as well as businesses use this laundry system

Identification tag system is used to differentiate customers

As archaic this laundry business seems to be, international call centers and high-tech entities are located throughout the area 

The "laundry business" is located in a slum area

Turn around time could be same day up to 48 hours

Some areas of the city have a higher concentration of Moslems

Mumbai is well known for it's ornate train station

Building design has a significant amount of detail  

There's something interesting to see in all areas of the building

Many sidewalk vendors sell very "cheap" clothes and other items.

Blue jeans are not seconds or thirds -- they may be "fourths" at best

People are always lining up for "something"  

Thirsty? Crushed sugarcane is turned into a quick, sweet drink

Corner Bookstore

Another university

School is finished for the day -- children are walking home

We used the taxi system as well as walked to places. However, because of logistics and timing for one of our touring days, it was simpler to use the hotel car and driver.

Many people have two to three jobs and travel long distances to work. Our driver travels 90 minutes both ways, works 10-12 hours/day, 6 days/week. He's quite happy -- worked for the hotel close to twenty years!

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