Israel - Jerusalem # 10
We spent most of the day in Jerusalem's "Israel Museum"
There is so much to see - so many exhibits - we could easily spent two days exploring and learning about different aspects of "man."
13th Century BCE - People were buried in these "coffins."
200,000 years old
Pre-historic Bull - 1.4 million years old
Maybe, an ancestor of the Texas Big-horn cattle?!?!?!
Woman and dog buried - thousands of years old
Depiction of man
Interesting object
2000-3000 years old - More sophisticated art techniques
Ancient man "invented" molds which allowed for mass production of different items
Ancient hoe
Had an opportunity to see a new exhibit with a "Market" theme
13th-14th Century cast copper alloy weight
Close up shows more brush stroke detail

We "jumped" from pre-historic times to "modern era" (1500's onward)
Man in black hat is a "slight of hand magician. Man in white clothing is being pick pocketed. Woman in red is "wealthy. Man sleeping on right side is a "dentist." This is a "real" Brueghel; but a copy. No one knows if it was painted by the father, a son, a brother or...
Although a typical scene, artist does not show would be typical debris, garbage, etc.
Essentially, everyone is bartering. Man in black hat is a lawyer
Artist shows merchant, wealthy woman bargaining, a beggar and a young boy sent out to sell mushrooms
More contemporary painting. Eggplant would be a very rare item in some areas of Europe
Weights and measures was important at the market. Stones are 1000-2000 years old
Love the close ups!
Afghan market place
Artist recognized by the faces
More close ups
Dead Sea Scroll
Another exhibit at the museum
Time to see masks and carvings
We actually have many of these pieces albeit they are copies: Our masks and clay pieces are from New Guinea, Mexico, Africa, South America, South Pacific, etc.
Fun to look at!
Mid-1500's marble carving. Amazing!
Old English table setting - 1800's
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