Monday, May 15, 2023

  Europe April/May #19

Perugia, Dinner and Gubbio

Mother and daughter enjoying life

Having fun!

Good traveling companions

We came across a pottery store. The owner's wife designs, makes and sells original pieces

The public parking garage appears to be set up on the "honor system." Drivers must leave keys in the car. When returning, the drivers pay (using a machine), get in the car and off they go. Some one took our "Red Ferrari" leaving us to drive this low-end jeep. Oh well...

The roadway in town was originally designed for horses and carts - not vehicles. Heather had to get out of the car and guide Rebecca

We hired a chef to make us special dinner

Samuel started his training as an engineer, migrated to cooking and teaching a culinary program at nearby university
Heather's truffles are being cleaned
Crispy pasta and asparagus with a truffle sauce

Delicious concoction

An assortment of special, homemade Italian bread

Coffee and chocolate-themed dessert

On to Gubbio - An old Roman Etruscan/Roman town

The amphitheater

Homes and buildings are decorated with festival flags signifying patron saints and the local's personal (historical) heroes
Lots of vibrant color

Interesting town - many photo ops

Homemade pasta

Friends admiring a newborn grandchild
What should we get for dinner?
Farmer's market day
Old food stalls

Social time

Let's buy wild asparagus for tonight's dinner
"Anyone for fava beans and a nice chianti? Dts...Dts...Dts.." (Hannibal Lecter).
Jerry is a good "chuker"

Bells were ringing throughout the day

               Important artifacts are housed in this building
Most of the city has steep walkways and stairs. The locals must have strong legs to navigate where they want to go
Time to climb stairs

Old olive tree. Actually, everything is old around here!

Wow! A square manhole!

Great view

Old relics

These three pieces of ornate and heavy wood carvings represent the three patron saints of the area. People carry these things and race up the hill. The winner represents "the best saint." The festival is in a few days. It's a good thing we're missing it!

Is anyone wearing a mask? Ha! Ha!

This language comparison is important

In the fifteenth century, these bronze tablets were found near the Roman amphitheater. By translating the text, it became possible to learn social, political and cultural insight of life during the third through the first century BC.

We had lunch outside at a nice/casual restaurant. We ordered the usual: salad, pasta and a glass of wine. After the glasses of wine were served, the server placed this bottle on the table. Jerry didn't look carefully and thought the server misunderstood and brought us a bottle of wine. The server said jokingly, "Whats a matta with you? You donna know olive oil? This-a is-a not-a vino." This evolved to some kibbitzing between Jerry and "Ana Gloria."

The situation was natural and special. Jerry surprised Ana with one of PMI's Frisbees. She was so excited she grabbed him, gave him a big hug and many kisses which he in-turn, reciprocated. Ana now has a new toy for her "bambino"
Arlene relaxes after a "hard day" of touring

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