Albuquerque and Santa Fe # 1
In 2020 we were scheduled to attend the festival. It was cancelled
due to
Now, after many months of planning, rain was expected!
Looking forward to flying.
Our Chicago friends, Lynn and Artie, meet us in
Many activities: Chainsaw art.
Plaques behind us represent donations and memorials

Sky diving.
Star War characters entertain spectators.
Our friend, Artie, enjoying the moment!
Rain is coming! Show may be cancelled!
Plenty of tourist items to
Always at these event, unhealthy food to eat.

Planes fly in formation. Radio
& TV stations cover event.
Show is cancelled due to rain.
Balloon pilots fire up the burners: “Candlelight show.”
Mariachis entertain spectators We'll try again tomorrow. Maybe the "Weather Gods" will be kind!
After a great dinner: Enjoying dessert.
Balloons need to be dried out in indoor facilities
5:00 AM – Eating breakfast in festival parking lot. Raining!
Sad balloon! Lift off cancelled again!
Madrid: Old mining town
Balloons not flying – Time to explore other areas
Town has lots of character
Most homes are rundown
Longest bar top made from one piece of wood
Fun signs throughout town
Mine shaft leads to restaurant
One of the best hamburgers, ever!!!
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