Mid-East: Blog # 8
March 11, 2016 - Oman
one of our Qatar Airlines flights, we happened to sit next to a young man,
dressed in a business suit. He was an Iranian Qatar Airlines e-commerce
marketing manager stationed in Tehran, Iran. Qatar Airlines scheduled a
marketing meeting in Muscat for all of the mid-east managers. We couldn't help
ourselves. Twenty minutes later, we must have rattled off a dozen or so ideas
as to how to better promote his company.
Qatar Airways Uses The Oryx As Its Logo
admitted his frustration in that Qatar's "old guard' was not sensitive,
too old fashioned and certainly did not understand social media techniques.
Most likely, he took mental notes on our suggestions.
also discussed "Iranian politics." At first, he was hesitant to talk
about this subject matter. However, we put him to rest and then he opened up to
us. He was very hopeful that the recent Iranian election (combined with the nuclear
facility negotiations) will start what will be a lengthy process to stimulate his national economy as well as peace between our respective countries. He finished his thoughts about his
grave concerns concerning Donald Trump.
* * * *
one of the Oman evenings, we had a very special opportunity to hear a
lecture about Oman's culture, religion and politics. It was supposed to be a
husband and wife team. As it turned out, the wife couldn't attend.
Nevertheless, it was two hours of very interesting perspectives of living in
this country.
Our Lecturer
Notice The Small Cord Hanging From The Collar. All men will have such a cord. It is used to dip it in "perfume" or a scent so that the man smells nice.
lived in Oman since 7th Century, Portuguese occupied territory in the
1500-1600's. During the same period (and afterwards), China and India traded with the Omani people.
have equal rights
o 70% of college students are women. They are graduating with a BA or BS - many are going on for advanced degrees.
o However, there are no women sport teams at the international level
woman's veil (as is man's turban or scarf) is "cultural" - not
"religious." Idea started with need to block sun and sand.
· There is no crime. Yet,
o Wives can apply for a
divorce when a husband abuses her. Most local news deals with drivers going to fast, auto accidents, some petty issues
o HSBC bank front door is
solid gold. No one tries to steal the door.
Someone Cleans Door Every Night
· Oman is a clean country.
o Government sets up
"competition" to see what areas can be the cleanest
is critical for survival and growth
o 44 million/gal. per day
o More production is required
Below Is A Desalination Plant
Great Angle From Our Airbus Window
wives is common, 4-5 children per wife
Husband Agreed To Have Us Take Picture
Wife On Right, Not So Happy
o Monogamy is becoming more
acceptable as women get more educated
Two Different Cultures: One Husband, One Wife
is expensive - not enough to go around
enough doctors
o There was
"nothing" in the 1960's
o Within last 20 years,
country went from a Bedouin culture to skyscrapers.
oil situation will impact Oman's ability to survive at its current growth
o There's talk about doubling
tax on oil
o If everyday living expenses
increase (already expensive), ex-pats won't work - they'll return to their home
country. This could be a disaster for Oman. "Nationals" don't work...
o Mid-east oil
"pricing" may undermine Russia's oil business
o Rumors that USA and Saudi
Arabia are fixing oil prices
media is now allowed. This is a matter of "security." However, people
can get around this restriction by using VPN and other systems
are 14,000 mosques in Oman:
Most In The City
Some Mosques In Desert, Soon To Be Surrounded By Growth
conceivable auto dealership is in Oman
o Expensive cars are very
o Showrooms are - HUGE!
Mile After Mile Of Car Storerooms
mostly desert, there are mountains (and snow) greater than 10,000 feet.
o Flash floods are common
o Local people picnic in
wilderness and in riverbeds
o In years past, there were
volcanoes, glaciers and evidence of the ocean or large riverbeds being
thousands of feet higher
loves the sultan
o Free housing is available
o Large, expensive villas are
Education is free
"Buying loyalty" is the name of the game
Education is free
"Buying loyalty" is the name of the game
is important
Family Gathering: Where Are The Wives?
* * *
To Leave Oman.
International airports are always interesting.
Different Type Of Ticket Counter Uniforms (As Compared To USA Ticket Counters
Different Languages
"Trivandrum" Is A Mental Disorder When One Misses A Trivia Question!
Too Often We Had To Climb The Stairs
It's hard to keep track of the different international airlines, the logos and the plane's decorations.
Foreign Airline Uniforms Tend To Be More Elaborate
Often, Foreign Carriers Will Have Different Signage.
Best Of All: Strollers Are Readily Available To help Transport Small Children From One Place To Another.
Foreign Airports Provide More Amenities Than USA Airports.
* * * *
Notice The Windows: Most Buildings Throughout Country Have Same/Similar Look
Before entering, we had to make sure that we were dressed appropriately and that behavior appropriate for the mosque would be followed

Large Doorway

Background Is Cut Marble
One Of The Magnificent Chandeliers
Learning To Be A Devout Moslem
Foreign Airports Provide More Amenities Than USA Airports.
* * * *
Arab Emeritus
Abu Dhabi airport was amazing.
Control TowerNotice The Windows: Most Buildings Throughout Country Have Same/Similar Look
The immigration and passport control was
annoying. Typical of all countries, there are lines for nationals and
foreigners. Several large planes landed at the same time bringing in hundreds
of foreign passengers to the airport.
There were four lanes to handle us foreigners and
many more set up to process "the UAE nationals." The UAE National
lanes were empty. The $100,000 a year "boy wonders" passport control
personnel, with passport control stamps in hand and looking for nothing to
do, ignored all of us.
Then, another large plane arrived bringing nationals. We were asked our nationality by one of these passport control stamp agents . People yelled out American, British, etc. The just arrived nationals were put in front of us. It took an hour to get processed. Annoying! Finally out of the airport, we were on our way to tour a marina area, have lunch and visit the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque.
To get to the marina, we had to cross a beautifully designed bridge.
Before entering, we had to make sure that we were dressed appropriately and that behavior appropriate for the mosque would be followed
In Retrospect, (And According To The Mosque Guidelines) Perhaps We Were To Close To Each Other When The Photo was Taken
Similar To The Taj Mahal
This Mosque is Beautiful - And Large
Local Guard Thought Jerry Was Omani. (It Was The Hat That Confused The Guard)
Large Doorway
Beautiful Courtyard
Background Is Cut Marble
One Of The Magnificent Chandeliers
Learning To Be A Devout Moslem
Big Enough For 40,000 People
Another Beautiful Chandelier
End Of Another Long Day
* * *
Checking in at hotel
Fancy Hotel - Fancy Gal!
High-end Indian wedding at hotel. Guests came from all over the world. This was a four-day event!
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